About Amazing Grace
Encouraging those outside of Christ, those who feel separated from Christ and/or the church, or those seeking a closer walk with Christ to join us in fellowship.
Equipping the Body of Christ to face and overcome life’s challenges and to activate their God-given ministries.
Empowering all of God’s people to go and make disciples by reproducing themselves and winning others to the Kingdom.
God - We believe that God is the creator and sustainer of the universe who has provided humankind with a revelation of Himself through the natural world and through His Son, Jesus Christ. Further, we believe that the greatest revelation of God comes through the word of God and through Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Jesus Christ - We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. He is the manifestation of God, in the flesh, being both human and divine. He was in the beginning and is the beginning. He was before all creation, is creation, and all creation comes from him. He was prophesied as the Messiah who was to come; born of the virgin Mary; gave his life freely for our sins through crucifixion on a cross at Calvary; was buried and rose again on the third day.
The Holy Spirit - We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, who exercises the power of the Father and the Son in creation and redemption. The Holy Spirit is the Paraclete, or Helper, whom Jesus promised to the disciples after His ascension. It is through the Helper that Father and Son abide with the disciples.
Amazing Grace - We believe that God's grace is truly amazing. Grace, in one sense, is defined as "God's unmerited favor toward humankind." We believe we are saved by grace. We believe grace redeems. We believe that grace endures. It is from this premise that all are welcome at Amazing Grace.
Our Founders
First Lady
Greta Adams
Senior Pastor
Dr. Preston T. Adams III
Lady Greta Adams is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana, having grown up on the city’s Westside. She is the wife of Dr. Preston T. Adams III, Founder/Senior Pastor of Amazing Grace Christian Church. They have been married for over 35 years and have three daughters. Greta performed her undergraduate work at IUPUI and Indiana State University studying for her Bachelor of Social Work. She realized God's call on her life as a Prophetess and began to walk in that calling in 2012. Greta is a humble servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and seeks to be a witness that the latter days can be better than the former days.
Dr. Preston T. Adams, III is the founder and senior pastor of Amazing Grace Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Amazing Grace launched in September 2010 on the northeast side of Indianapolis. Amazing Grace shares the love of Jesus Christ by encouraging, equipping, and empowering all of God’s people to go and make disciples. Amazing Grace embodies the love of Jesus Christ by its focus on Word, Worship, and Witness. This represents one of the greatest moves of God in Dr. Adams life. Since its launch in September 2010, Amazing Grace has grown from an initial launch team of 20 families to over 300 families. This phenomenal growth can be attributed to the Holy Spirit equipping Dr. Adams to preach and teach transformational Gospel messages that reach a broad audience.